AE Tutorial: How to make a video intro with 3D effects

This tutorial has step-by-step commentary on how to make a custom YouTube into with 3D effects using After Effects CS5 and WoW model viewer.

Effect 1: Make a Grid, and turn it into a 3D layer

Effect 2: Add a scanning effect (using masks and Twitch) to the grid

Effect 3: Add a 3D gadget…Because 3D stuff is awesome

Effect 4: Import a character model, key out the background.

Effect 5: Add special effects to the model using masks and Twitch

Final Effects: Tracking an animated gadget on the character model


Other tutorials
Introductory video: Using FRAPS and After Effects for game video

Intermediate video: Using FRAPS, WoW Model Viewer, and After Effects

Intermediate/Advanced video: Using special effects in your PvP videos with Twitch, Twixtor, and AE

WoW Model Viewer
WoWModelViewer is an open-source tool used by Machinima Artists to view and capture model and character animation from World of Warcraft.
License info:


Video Editing Software (examples of what i use)
FRAPS (video capture) –
Adobe After Effects CS5.5 (video editing)
Twixtor for AE (Slow-motion and time remapping)
Twitch for AE (jitter, distortion, and flashes)
Handbrake (video compression H.264 for web and YouTube)


Download Link:

[Download not found]


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