Star Wars Warcraft 3D Animation by Psynaps – WoW Parody

I noticed there were no other Star Wars WoW (World of Warcraft) light saber parodies. I found Star Wars light saber parodies of just about everything else, so I decided to fill that void. Little did I know that I would become engulfed in the fantasy of Star Wars and Warcraft during this project, and I found some needed inspiration to tackle some of these scenes. This page will show some of the work I (we) have done on this project.

More images and VIDEO coming soon, these images and previews are just some behind the scenes drafts.


Psynaps_BB8_Starwars_warcraft_psyfx.com_cam05-main0233 Psynaps_BB8_Starwars_warcraft_psyfx.com_RETEXTURE_0003_wallpaper

BB8-Cam04-Ground-Shots-smoke (0-00-01-01) BB8-Cam04-TIE-fighter-Cam01 (0-00-08-09) BB8-Cam04-TIE-fighter-Cam01 (0-00-02-26)

TieFighter_rooster_nest_Cam01 (0-00-01-10) BB8-tower 2 (0-00-01-17)

Alterac_Valley_ATST_by_Psynaps_psyfx Alterac_Valley_Night_Lasers_by_Psynaps_psyfx BB8-2_0175 (0-00-00-00) tower-explode-draft0067 BB8-Cam01_0350 BB8_0175 BB8-2_0175



3D, after effects, alterac valley, arnold, C4D, psynaps, star wars, BB8, Tie Fighter, empire, rebel alliance, download WMV,world of warcraft, wow, wow model viewer

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