Voice-over Audio Tutorial in Adobe Audition CS6 (w/ Zoom H1 Recorder) by Psynaps

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This tutorial contains full commentary and screen captures on how to use Adobe Audition CS6 to create powerful voice overs for your videos. Here, I edit voice audio captured from the Zoom H1 handy recorder using Adobe Audition CS6. This method will work with any audio recorder (like the H2N, etc..) and is perfect for making podcasts or using dual system audio for DSLR video.

See more of my videos and downloads at:

1.) I’m going to use audio captured from the Zoom H1 recorder.
2.) I’ll show you how to import your zoom audio and Apply some powerful voice over effects, including noise reduction.
3.) I’ll save the audio, and show you how to import it into Adobe After Effects so it can be synced with my video project.

DOWNLOAD the Project Files for FREE here

Website Download: http://www.psynapticmedia.com/voice-over-audio-in-adobe-audition-cs6-zoom-h1-recorder/

Direct Torrent Download (Most reliable): http://www.psynapticmedia.com/tracker/download.php?id=224f3a691cb617ffaacb8c753afc464a4d79849e&f=Project+Files%3A+Audition+CS6++and+Zoom+H1+Audio.torrent


Video shot with a Canon 600D/T3i.
Audio recorded with a Zoom H1 Handy Recorder

Other tutorials
Introductory video: Using FRAPS and After Effects for game video

Intermediate video: Using FRAPS, WoW Model Viewer, and After Effects

Intermediate/Advanced video: Using special effects in your PvP videos with Twitch, Twixtor, and AE

Audition Voice Editing Tutorial (with Zoom H1 Handy Recorder)

AE Tutorial: How to make a video intro with 3D effects (free project files)

Software (examples of what i use)
Adobe Audition CS6 (audio editing)
License Terms: http://www.adobe.com/products/eulas/pdfs/Gen_WWCombined-MULTI-20111031_1230.pdf

Adobe After Effects CS5.5 (video editing)
License Terms: http://www.adobe.com/products/eulas/pdfs/Gen_WWCombined-20110105_1512.pdf

Handbrake (Free video compression H.264 for web and YouTube)

Permission granted by author for use as background music. Please visit their youtube page.
Song by Approaching Nirvana – First Flight
YouTube channel at http://www.youtube.com/ApproachingNirvana

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